SMS sending and sending options

  1. Choose as sender any of the below options:

    • An allocated number
    • A random number
    • An alphanumeric sender (3-11 characters).

    It is recommended to use Roman alphabet characters (upper-case /lower-case), numbers, dots, hyphens, underscores and spaces.

  2. In recipients, select:

    • one contact
    • one group
    • enter recipient's phone number.

    You can also enter contacts or groups of contacts by name or phone number, and auto complete list suggestions will show suggested matches from your existing contacts.

    Click on contact or contact groups to send the SMS.

  3. Type in your message. It is advisable not to send more than 5 concatenated messages though the maximum allowed is 20. Not all handsets have the same storage space. When sending concatenated messages, each message will have 153 characters.

    Words, characters and SMS counter are shown at the bottom of the message text box.

    Activate Unicode: it allows multiple writing systems (e.g. accents and symbols). If you send an SMS message that includes one or more Unicode characters, the length per message is reduced to 70 characters.

    Multi-part messages are limited to 153 characters per message part but if you go over the 70 character limit, it will be sent as a multi-part message and each message part is reduced to 67 characters.

    Unicode support is limited depending on your mobile carrier and recipient's handset

SMS sending options

  • How would you like to send your message? Select from the right drop-down list whether you want to send the message with or without delivery report.

  • In case you do not select delivery report, we cannot inform if the message has been delivered to the recipient.

Schedule messages

  • Send the message at a given time. Select date and time.


  • These tags allow you to send messages with custom text to each of the recipients of the group. To select them click on them (do not drag them).

  • Tags will be replace for the corresponding data when sending the message, example: name and surname. Thus when using tags the calculation of characters is just an estimate. The reason is that the numbers of characters in the label are the ones counted, eg "name" rather than the value of the tag, eg "George"


  • Once your message is ready to be sent, all you need to do is to click on the button below the text message to send it.

Creating templates

  • Here you can create and store SMS templates that you may want to use again Enter SMS menu-> Templates and click on + button

  • Choose a name for your new template and compose your template. Name it.

  • Add customized tags. To add them click on them ( do not drag them). Tags will be replace for the corresponding data when sending the message, example: name and surname.

  • Once finished, click on Save.

  • Templates will be saved on SMS start menu.> Templates Use the search box to find a template you have already saved.

SMS setting

You can set your SMS at SMS menu -> Settings.

  • General: You can set both customized senders (numeric or alphanumeric) as well as the email address where you want to receive the delivery report.

  • Default values: Enter the recipients and the email addresses and click on Tic to accept.

  • Moreover, you can also set sender and delivery report .

Contact list


  • Enter menu -> Settings

  • Click on " Create new contact".

  • Enter your contact data and Save You can enter a maximum of 255 characters in every field.

  • If you have already created groups, before clicking on Save you can associate the contact to a group.


  • Enter Contact list-> Groups

  • You can create groups from your phone book contacts and make massive sendings at once.

  • Create new groups clicking on "Add".

  • Name it. Keep in mind to create groups. you need first contacts. When clicking for creating a group, you need first to name it and afterwards click on Add

  • Once created, the group will show 0 contacts. To add contacts click on the magnifying glass Magnifier.

You could add contacts from the icon Add. A dialogue will pop up , add the contacts you want to add to the groups. If you click on the bar, the list of contacts is displayed.This list will be decreasing. You can also delete group contacts clicking on Remove.

Contacts will come up in lists here. To manage contacts in the group you can use the general search box or the search boxes at the bottom.

You can delete Groups: Select the group and click on trash bin

Notice: Contacts are not deleted when deleting the group.

Import contacts

  • Instead of entering your contacts one by one, you can import them from Phone Book>Agenda. Tools allows you to import them from either a CSV file or from WebSMS.

  • If you have your contacts in a CSV file, choose the separator character and select the file you wish to import.

  • Once uploaded, click on Import.

  • Your contact details will come up in rows. In the first column you have to select the category corresponding to each data row. You have to select at least one telephone or email row

  • Finally import the list. This list was created as a group, the default name will be "Imported dd / mm / yyyy" (day / month / year), you could change the group name once created.

Create a CSV document from an Excel document.

  • To create a CSV document from an Excel document, you must have the XLS or XLSX file with contacts by columns. Each table can have only one piece of data: full name, company, phone, email,etc.

  • To convert it into CSV just click on "Save As" and look at the drop down of "Type" the one corresponding to "CSV (Comma delimited) (*. csv)


General settings

General: Under this section you can activate international code by default. the activation affects your contacts under SEND section and to all imported contacts .

Tax data for certificates.: You can edit the VAT Company or the user id number that identifies the user in the second paragraph of the certificate: "The registered user under name/corporate name and VAT number, sent a registered email..."

My personal data: enter your contact email address to send you any important information. To change password, enter a new one twice and you will receive an email confirming the change.


SMS Directe

Is a platform developed for you to find the process to use our services simple and hassle-free.